Hailing from Medan, Indonesia, Princess Maxwin embarked on her musical journey at the age of six at Symphony Musical Art Centre. Currently she is in her second year as an undergraduate student at UCSI University’s Institute of Music, majoring in classical piano under the guidance of
Chee Su Yen.
Her passion for music is exemplified through her active involvement in prestigious piano competitions, including the Hong Kong – Asia Piano Competition, Putra International Piano Competition, WPTA Singapore, etc. Her notable achievement including awarded second prize for Rhapsodie Indonesia Piano Competition, Gold Prizes for WPTA Finland, Veranza Indonesia Piano Competitions and Festivals, and La Pianista Piano Festivals. In 2023, she was honored with the third prize at the Euroasia Youth Music Festival.
Additionally, Princess Maxwin has had the privilege of attending masterclasses with esteemed pianists such as Loo Bang Hean, Boris Kraljevic, Rena Phua, Lena Ching, and Benjamin Loh. Since joining UCSI University, she has been actively participating in performances, including a remarkable appearance at the Free Hand Piano Festival 2023, where she demonstrated the diversity and depth of her musical prowess.
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